Thursday, September 25, 2014

...And Dagmar Was Never Seen Again

ignore any strange
thing that calls your name when you
are the last one in line

- Dr. Washington Fenimore Fourre-Tout

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Upon Being Asked About the Headless Aspect of Her Great-Aunt Clementine deFleury's Portrait

a fabulous frock
amends many another

-Sylvie de Fleury Fourre-tout, PhD, CdeP

Truly, the deFleurys have their priorities in order. Their motto is, after all, vitum venustus, petasi venustulus, which can be translated thusly: 'live a beautiful life and wear charming little hats."

This unusual early photographic work is the first known documented deFleury portrait of Nilla, the family chicken. MiMere Sylvie is considered la famillie Ouessant's very first charmeuse de poule and cryptocrepundologist.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Why Tourist Dolls Are Often Found Comatose

Glued-on underwear
a diet of pink gin and 
day-old petits fours

-Clovis deFleury

Clovis was torn between worrying about this poor little tourist doll and wondering where she'd gotten that fabulous hat.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Haiku Thursday: A Good Friend Will Help You Hide the Body

No one should laugh at 
cowgirls wearing pink spandex
and packing pitchforks.

Aunt Mathilde "Yukon Tilly" Woolum. 
Tilly possessed a stout heart, an itchy pitchfork , no fashion sense, and less sense of humor.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Run

Dry corn in the moon,
said Paw Paw. Inside, shine corn
got no room to dream.

-Paw Paw Heenkees (Coot van Aschputtel Heenkees)

Paw Paw's haiku contributed by grandson and twelfth-generation shinemaker, 
Beech Dyrsen Heenkees, waving at top right in front of the corn silo

Yes. I bought them this still. Whatever you're thinking, just don't say it.  - The Missus