Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Breakfast Rhupunt by the Members of Friends of Toast, L'Ordre du Crouton d'Or, Especially for Lonormi

If 'ere your host
serves listless toast
pale as a ghost,
decline to mutter.

Bawl out: "We want
a plump croissant -
with just a haunt
of golden butter!

"For soul doth quail
from pastry pale!
And if it's stale?
Why, heart doth flutter."

Auntie Hank, left, and Millicent, right, having toast and tea at The Conestoga last Jul season. Oh, and COOKIES.  Puppen tradition not only allows but encourages cookies for breakfast  each and every morning from October 21 to January 14 during the 95 days of Puppelachian Yuletide. 

Travel Triolet: The Voyage of Lelja Vezhda

She, fearless, travels on the road of whales
Where kraken cringe beneath her fierce and beady eye.
Swathed against Atlantic gales in rosy knitted scarves, she sails,
She fearless travels on the road of whales,
Across the path of Ahab's brilliant foe and phosphorescent snails
Where new worlds wait beneath the western edge of sky.
She, fearless, travels on the road of whales
Where kraken cringe beneath her fierce and beady eye.

Lelja Vezhda, aka Auntie Eyebrow, reached the inland banks of Puppelachia after a three-week voyage from her homeland in Bulgaria. She is the first Puppelachian settler from the Balkans, and the boys are looking forward to her famous recipe for sour cherry vishnovka. Victorine, with Swanny and the Lillemors, have promised to make a big banitza for her party this weekend: who can resist feta cheese in hot buttered filo? *Note - you can see that Lelja Vezhda has a beautiful felt minaudière (Puppelachian bag-of-holding), so now we are very curious to see what she has brought with her from her homeplace in the Land of Ancient Roses.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Triolet Tuesday, Or: You Don't Have to Drink It Just Because It's Bubbly; But If You Do, Get the Good Stuff and Serve it With a Nice Gruyère

A good shampoo evokes the best champagne.
Each iridescent bubble scrubs the grit from grubby hopes;
Its golden glow lifts up the soul and clarifies the brain.
A good shampoo evokes the best; champagne,
While sweetly effervescent, can’t sustain
The lasting joys of lathering in blossom-sillaged soaps.
A good shampoo evokes the best champagne;
Each iridescent bubble scrubs the grit from grubby hopes.

-Geordie du Bain-Moussant

So today at Geordie's audition we asked him how he feels about hair care products, because we were, well, let's just say we were curious, and here's what he said: "I don't usually drink shampoo, but when I DO I make sure it's Mane and Tail. Okay, every now and then I'll order a shot of Suave Strawberry Crème rinse, but that's like on date night or something. SSC on the rocks with a splash of Mr. Bubble? Now, THAT'S special."

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Shadorma Wednesday: Never Never Never Say No to Free Hot Bread

Breadsticks with
hot butter; take that,
pale paleo!
The joys
of crusty bread and a new
red hat surpass all. 

Ozzie is a fan of Victorine's plain baguette with lashings of butter. And he's stoked about his hat.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Shadorma Wednesday: Penny Candy Uprising

orange fluff, congealed
to sweetened
circus peanuts shouldn't roam
where mammoths prevail

-clovis defleury

Lascaux, one of the mammoths on The Farm, sneaking up on an unsuspecting circus peanut. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Haiku Monday: Muesli Moon Musings

Sweet October moon:
golden astral apricot
hangs just out of reach

Auntie Swanny making her special-blend Golden Apricot Moon Muesli for Mr : 4 cups of rolled oats, 1/2 cup oat bran, 1 cup of slivered almonds, 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup pumpkin seed, 1/4 cup broken walnuts, 1/2 cup raisins, 1/2 cup slivered dried apricots, 1/4 cup tart dried cherries, 1/4 cup currants, 1/4 cup dried blueberries, 1 teaspoon Vietnamese cinnamon, 1 teaspoon dried orange peel, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg. Mix in large roasting pan and spray with canola oil. Bake in 350 oven for 10 minutes, mix and spray lightly again. Return to oven for 10 more minutes, mix and spray, and return for last 10 minutes. Cool and put up in clean glass jars or in airtight tins.